Rob4unc085 [2:08 A.M.]: hey im going to try and put us all in a room ok
Rob4unc085 [2:08 A.M.]: first read this
Rob4unc085 [2:09 A.M.]:
Rob4unc085 [4:03 A.M.]: oh my god
AlphaFoxTrot0001 [4:05 A.M.]: WHOM AM I SPEAKING WITH?
AlphaFoxTrot0001 [4:07 A.M.]: DO I HAVE CONTACT
Rob4unc085 [2:09 A.M.]: this person out of the blue started tring to talk to me
Rob4unc085 [2:10 A.M.]: do you know them?
Rob4unc085 [2:10 A.M.]: if not they must know you
"DAD" [2:11 A.M.]: not sure
Rob4unc085 [2:11 A.M.]: im going to try & get us all in a room
Rob4unc085 [2:13 A.M.]: whats going on
Rob4unc085 [2:17 A.M.]: WHATS GOING ON HERE
Rob4unc085 signed off at 2:17 A.M.
"DAD" [2:17 A.M.]: yes you have contact Alpha
Rob4unc085 signed on at 2:22 A.M.
Rob4unc085 [2:22 A.M.]: hey i got booted whats going on
"DAD" [2:23 A.M.]: private conversation I guess
Rob4unc085 [2:23 A.M.]: WHAT
Rob4unc085 [2:24 A.M.]: this is Scary
"DAD" [2:24 A.M.]: the person said he is trying to bring you in
"DAD" [2:24 A.M.]: no worries...and it is okay to be somewhat afraid, if you are human.
"DAD" [2:26 A.M.]: we're used to this kind of stuff
"DAD" [2:26 A.M.]: so are you if you think about itRob4unc085 [2:29 A.M.]: used to what
"DAD" [2:30 A.M.]: difficult situationsRob4unc085 [2:31 A.M.]: what do you mean
"DAD" [2:31 A.M.]: hey robert is that you?
Rob4unc085 [2:31 A.M.]: what
"DAD" [2:31 A.M.]: is this robert?
"DAD" [2:32 A.M.]: how is savannah?Rob4unc085 [2:32 A.M.]: savanna & brandy are passed out in the bed
"DAD" [2:32 A.M.]: good. Glad someone can sleep. hope you are doing okayRob4unc085 [2:33 A.M.]: i dont understand
"DAD" [2:34 A.M.]: I don't understand what? please explain
Rob4unc085 [2:34 A.M.]: what this is all about
"DAD" [2:34 A.M.]: we do not know that for sure yet. Bear with us as we try to find out.
"DAD" [2:35 A.M.]: is this robert?
Rob4unc085 [2:36 A.M.]: yes this is robert
Rob4unc085 [2:37 A.M.]: my yahoo is froze up
"DAD" [2:37 A.M.]: can you join us in a chat?
"DAD" [2:37 A.M.]: wow.
"DAD" [2:37 A.M.]: can you join us in aol?
"DAD" [2:37 A.M.]: your yahoo IM?
"DAD" [2:38 A.M.]: have you been having problems with your computer?Rob4unc085 [2:38 A.M.]: not that i know of
"DAD" [2:38 A.M.]: good
Rob4unc085 [2:39 A.M.]: it wont let me join
Rob4unc085 [2:39 A.M.]: that name is not traced to any 1
Rob4unc085 [2:39 A.M.]: i just called AOL
Rob4unc085 [2:39 A.M.]: they have no trace of that name
"DAD" [2:39 A.M.]: does it surprise you?
"DAD" [2:40 A.M.]: what did aol tell you to do?
"DAD" [2:41 A.M.]: robert, can you read any of this?
Rob4unc085 [2:41 A.M.]: yes
Rob4unc085 [2:41 A.M.]: im still on hold with AOL
"DAD" [2:42 A.M.]: cool tell them to investigate cause I want to know
Rob4unc085 [2:43 A.M.]: they are tring to tell me that the name is not real "DAD" [2:43 A.M.]: tell them to trace it on the computer or through their server..
Rob4unc085 [2:44 A.M.]: there tring but there saying its locked
"DAD" [2:44 A.M.]: it can't be, can it?
Rob4unc085 [2:45 A.M.]: well i thought AOL could tap into anything Rob4unc085 [2:45 A.M.]: as long it was an AOL name
Rob4unc085 [2:45 A.M.]: its got to be an aol name because no other names from differant places will work
"DAD" [2:46 A.M.]: AlphaFoxTrot0001 is the handle
Rob4unc085 [2:46 A.M.]: yeah i got it
Rob4unc085 [2:47 A.M.]: they cant break the lock coad
"DAD" [2:48 A.M.]: are they trying?
Rob4unc085 [2:48 A.M.]: yep
"DAD" [2:48 A.M.]: good.
Rob4unc085 [2:49 A.M.]: im going to try and contact my buddy in NC hes a hacker
"DAD" [2:50 A.M.]: ok
Rob4unc085 [3:01 A.M.]: ok i got my buddy running a trace for me on his IP address
"DAD" [3:01 A.M.]: cool. Let us know the minute you find out something. keep talking to us.
Rob4unc085 [3:01 A.M.]: ok
"DAD" [3:02 A.M.]: so what did you eat for supper?
Rob4unc085 [3:02 A.M.]: not much of anything
"DAD" [3:03 A.M.]: we had pizza
Rob4unc085 [3:03 A.M.]: sounds good
"DAD" [3:04 A.M.]: it is and was
Rob4unc085 [3:06 A.M.]: make it there
"DAD" [3:07 A.M.]: no, we got it at Papa Murphy's
Rob4unc085 [3:08 A.M.]: sounds homemaid
"DAD" [3:08 A.M.]: it was close enough
Rob4unc085 [3:09 A.M.]: there is no ip address for this name
Rob4unc085 [3:09 A.M.]: its like hes just in the air or something
"DAD" [3:10 A.M.]: what is aol's number?
Rob4unc085 [3:11 A.M.]: 1800-466-5463
"DAD" [3:12 A.M.]: ok"DAD" [3:13 A.M.]: are you there?
Rob4unc085 [3:14 A.M.]: yeah
"DAD" [3:15 A.M.]: what are you doing now?
"DAD" [3:15 A.M.]: have you looked for the van outside lately?
Rob4unc085 [3:17 A.M.]: not lately
Rob4unc085 [3:17 A.M.]: im talking with my buddy in nc
"DAD" [3:17 A.M.]: maybe you should take a look. He says he is close.
Rob4unc085 [3:17 A.M.]: hes hacking into all kinds of things
Rob4unc085 [3:18 A.M.]: he
Rob4unc085 [3:18 A.M.]: who is he
"DAD" [3:18 A.M.]: cool
Rob4unc085 [3:18 A.M.]: ok i dont see anything
Rob4unc085 [3:19 A.M.]: do you know him
"DAD" [3:19 A.M.]: no, do you?
Rob4unc085 [3:19 A.M.]: why is he here
Rob4unc085 [3:19 A.M.]: if this has to do with you why dont they be there "DAD" [3:20 A.M.]: good question
"DAD" [3:20 A.M.]: because they are keeping a watch on most of the family, to include you
Rob4unc085 [3:21 A.M.]: is that a good thing or what
Rob4unc085 [3:21 A.M.]: there was a wreck tonight right down the road from here, you could see it from my drivway
Rob4unc085 [3:22 A.M.]: what should i do
"DAD" [3:22 A.M.]: was anyone hurt that you know of? is it on the news? are the police there?
"DAD" [3:23 A.M.]: stay away from things and people that you are wary of or do not know.
"DAD" [3:23 A.M.]: Robert, I can't tell you how we know, but he is not in tennesee.
Rob4unc085 [3:24 A.M.]: what who
Rob4unc085 [3:24 A.M.]: who are we talking about
"DAD" [3:24 A.M.]: alphafoxtrot1
"DAD" [3:24 A.M.]: is this still robert?
Rob4unc085 [3:24 A.M.]: yes
"DAD" [3:25 A.M.]: read our messages and you will know what we're talling about. so how was the formula?
Rob4unc085 [3:25 A.M.]: ?
Rob4unc085 [3:25 A.M.]: what
"DAD" [3:26 A.M.]: for the baby, remember?
Rob4unc085 [3:26 A.M.]: aw ok i cant think right now
Rob4unc085 [3:26 A.M.]: its good, the DR said it was ok
"DAD" [3:27 A.M.]: do you remember we bought formula for savannah? where did we get it?
Rob4unc085 [3:27 A.M.]: where did ya get it
"DAD" [3:27 A.M.]: glad she could drink it. What time does savannah wake up in the morning? what time is it there now?
"DAD" [3:28 A.M.]: where did we get it? the same place you sent us to get tell us.
Rob4unc085 [3:28 A.M.]: its 5:28 here
Rob4unc085 [3:28 A.M.]: omm
"DAD" [3:28 A.M.]: what time shows on your IM window? when you type and receive messages?
Rob4unc085 [3:28 A.M.]: there are ingles - k mart
Rob4unc085 [3:28 A.M.]: 8:28
Rob4unc085 [3:29 A.M.]: 5*
"DAD" [3:29 A.M.]: she gets up at 8:28? savannah, you mean?
"DAD" [3:29 A.M.]: 5*?
Rob4unc085 [3:30 A.M.]: its 5:30 here & there is not set time she wakes up, she just wakes up when ever she is hungry
"DAD" [3:30 A.M.]: really is this robert?
Rob4unc085 [3:30 A.M.]: yes
"DAD" [3:30 A.M.]: ok
Rob4unc085 [3:30 A.M.]: robert glen gardner
Rob4unc085 [3:31 A.M.]: rickly lee gardner
Rob4unc085 [3:31 A.M.]: tatt on our arms
"DAD" [3:31 A.M.]: why do you keep answering with the words "yes"?
"DAD" [3:31 A.M.]: but they would know that...
Rob4unc085 [3:31 A.M.]: what
"DAD" [3:31 A.M.]: how do you spell dad's name?
Rob4unc085 [3:31 A.M.]: how should i answer the question
"DAD" [3:32 A.M.]: about the tatts on your arms...if they have been following and watching for seven years, they know alot.
Rob4unc085 [3:32 A.M.]: rick or ricky
"DAD" [3:32 A.M.]: how should you answer....with the right spelling of his name.
Rob4unc085 [3:33 A.M.]: ?
"DAD" [3:33 A.M.]: your middle name is glen? summer did not know that, or she forgot. cool name.
Rob4unc085 [3:33 A.M.]: hey dawg its me
"DAD" [3:33 A.M.]: ? there is only one way to spell my name
"DAD" [3:33 A.M.]: arf arf
Rob4unc085 [3:33 A.M.]: whos name
Rob4unc085 [3:33 A.M.]: raven
"DAD" [3:34 A.M.]: hello. dawg...we are talkin about dad's birth got the raven right though
Rob4unc085 [3:34 A.M.]: is this really dad
"DAD" [3:34 A.M.]: raven, rickey, cephas
Rob4unc085 [3:34 A.M.]: how do i know it is
"DAD" [3:34 A.M.]: yeah
Rob4unc085 [3:34 A.M.]: are you sure
"DAD" [3:34 A.M.]: das bee danya baby
Rob4unc085 [3:34 A.M.]: lol
"DAD" [3:35 A.M.]: lol back well done.
Rob4unc085 [3:35 A.M.]: only we know that
"DAD" [3:35 A.M.]: you're right. now they do we'll have to think of something else. that is ok.
Rob4unc085 [3:36 A.M.]: woops
Rob4unc085 [3:36 A.M.]: :-P"
DAD" [3:36 A.M.]: they, whoever they are, read everything we are writing so we gotta do this in person.;-)
"DAD" [3:36 A.M.]: woops here we go again.=-O
Rob4unc085 [3:36 A.M.]: ah i see
"DAD" [3:37 A.M.]: if that is you, call me right now? cool? 208-xxx-xxxx
"DAD" [3:37 A.M.]: w/o the n
"DAD" [3:37 A.M.]: do you remember rule number one? do not say it hereRob4unc085 [3:38 A.M.]: yeah
"DAD" [3:38 A.M.]: good.